#EBW24 previews: Chairs for panel session ‘Tools to achieve quality – (new) standards for biobanks’
We are delighted to confirm the chairs for the panel session ‘Quality management and pre-analytics: Tools to achieve quality – (new) standards for biobanks’: Dr. Christine Joye, from the Swiss Biobanking Platform and Mieke De Wilde, BBMRI.be Quality Coordinator. The session takes place on Friday 17 May 2024 as part of the EBW24 programme.
Dr. Christine Joye
Christine Joye is the Executive Director of Swiss Biobanking Platform. She graduated from Lausanne University in health sciences with a PhD in virology in 2004. In parallel, she obtained a master in health management, and entered the exciting field of biobanks in 2005. Her experience is mainly as a reference in the development of state of the art biobanks, first in oncology in 2007, then as a centralised institutional biobank in a hospital setting in 2013. In the Biobanking field, she implemented the first general consent for research purposes in Switzerland and was always very interested in biobank sustainability. In 2015, she took the position of the Executive Director of the national coordination platform in Switzerland for biobanking activities called Swiss Biobanking Platform, with the vision to promote access and usage of the existing and future banked bio-specimens for research purposes in the human as in the non-human fields.
Mieke De Wilde
Mieke De Wilde is a Master of Science in Biology and Biochemistry from Belgium.
She has over ten years of experience in biobanking. She was involved in the practical startup and daily management of a hospital based biobank. Over the years, she specialized in biobank quality management.
She’s a member of ESBB and ISBER, and contributes as a national expert for Belgium in ISO TC276 the development of standards such as ISO20387. Since 2022 she chairs the ISBER Standard Committee, including chairing the Steering Committee that overviewed the development of the fifth edition of ISBER Best Practices.
She’s currently employed as a BBMRI.be Quality Coordinator supporting ISO20387 implementation, as well as harmonisation initiatives in IT, ELSI and Sustainability.