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  • Vienna, Austria
EBW24 Live
EBW24 Live: Closing ceremony

EBW24 Live: Closing ceremony

The Europe Biobank Week (EBW) Congress, jointly organised between BBMRI-ERIC (the European Research Infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources in Health and Life Science) and ESBB (the European, African and Middle Eastern Society for Biobanking and Biopreservation) officially closed at The Hofburg Conference Centre in Vienna, Austria on 17 May 2024. 

Prof. Jens K. Habermann, Director General at BBMRI-ERIC and Roland Leiminger, incoming ESBB President began the closing ceremony and gave the official start to the award session. 

Poster award winners

P2: German Biobanking Alliance tissue proficiency test – a sustainable way to assure high quality standards in biobanking.

Tilman Pfeffer , German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Tissue Biobank at the partner site Heidelberg, Germany

P38: Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage between the SIOPEN BIOPORTAL and the RD-Connect Genome Phenome Analysis Platform via the EUPID Services.

Dieter Hayn, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria

P6: Collaborative approaches for a sustainable future: BBDCARDIO, the widespread biobank of the Italian Cardiology Network. 

Amalia De Curtis, Neuromed Biobanking Center, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, IRCCS Neuromed, Pozzilli, Italy.

Innovation Award winner

O74: Empowering Genetic Counseling in Biobanks: The Rise of Chatbots and the Caseof Alva

Naila Loudini.

QM Award winners

Biobank Väst, University of Gothenburg

PBKM Stem Cells Biobank, Warsaw

Wroclaw Medical University Biobank 

BBMRI-ERIC Appreciation

Jan-Eric Litton, first BBMRI-ERIC Director General

Markus Pasterk, BBMRI-ERIC former administrative director (he received the award at BBMRI-ERIC’s Headquarters)

Eric Steinfelder, former BBMRI-ERIC Director General

Kurt Zatloukal, former BBMRI Austria National Node Director 

Prof. Jens K. Habermann handed the stage to Prof. Zatloukal who presented the past strengths of the Austrian National Node of BBMRI-ERIC. Habermann announced the next location The Europe Biobank Week (EBW) Congress: Bologna, Italy.